When athletes want to improve their performance, the last thing they probably think of, if at all, are their breathing muscles. But in fact, targeting this group could give an athlete the extra boost they sometimes need in sports like soccer, basketball, and field hockey.
When a study of 27 college soccer players was conducted by researchers from Columbus State University, it was found that five weeks of respiratory muscle training improved the athlete's sporadic exercise performance. In other words, it helps with the short bursts of intense effort needed in some sports. The breathing muscles were worked by using a devise called a respiratory muscle trainer. This devise applies resistance as the user inhales through a valve. This resistance causes the respiratory muscles to work harder and become stronger.
So if your someone that is looking to enhance their performance or an athlete looking for that extra boost in a competition, don't forget to work those breathing muscles.
Blowing up balloons is a great way to work them... but be careful, you don't want to "over breathe" or hyperventilate to make yourself dizzy.
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